Monday, October 28, 2013

A Busy Bee Weekend

It all began very early last Friday morning.  I cleaned house until 2 pm and Michael worked in the yard.  We had a wine tasting party to get the house ready for and had twenty four people show up for it on Saturday afternoon.  Unfortunately, I didn't get around to taking pictures during the party and feel bad about that.  I think once I got into the wine tasting, I was too busy socializing and enjoying visiting our family and friends that I forgot all about my camera.  Next time I promise to get some pictures during the party.  I'm thinking of making this wine tasting an annual event but I'm just not sure about which time of year is best.  Summer or Fall?  We had gorgeous weather for the wine party this time but the next day, the day of our tea party, was a little blustery and cool.  As for summer, it can be too, too hot or too, too windy.  You never know what the weather will bring around our town.
I decorated my clothesline to hide it because it was too much of a hassle to take it down, plus, it provided some much needed shade over by the wine tasting table.
On Sunday my friend, Jan, and I drove down to my Auntie Yvonne's house to take her to a tea party at Tyme For Tea & Co. in Fremont.  Our other good friend, Sharyn, was supposed to go with us but her husband, Greg, ended up getting hospitalized on Saturday night.  So sorry!!

We got there early enough to go antiquing in the Niles district which is where the tea house is located and all three of us found plenty of little treasures to purchase and take home.
Jan, me, and Auntie Yvonne in our tea house hats.
Raspberry Champagne.  Cheers!
The cute and friendly girls at the table next to us.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day Trip

Yesterday we went with our friends, Jan and Gary, to U.C. Berkeley Botanical Garden.
One of the first sections we visited was the cactus garden and I saw this huge menacing Devil Cactus.  It creeps low along the ground and looks like it could inflict some serious damage if you fell onto it.
An interesting hairy cactus.
I love roses.
A cottage garden.
We never did get the name of this interesting tree.
I love purple coneflowers.
Some purple peas in the edible garden.
Two visitors.
Such a fun and relaxing day.  After the garden we went to Bette's Oceanview Diner for a late lunch.  We bought a couple of plants for the backyard and we plan on making another trip to the Botanical Garden in the spring.