Many of you remember when my loving husband, Michael, passed away suddenly from a massive stroke in August of 2017. I went through a dark period of much grief and sadness and missed him terribly. I still love and miss Michael and I will rejoice when we will see each other again in the Lord's presence.
However, God had another plan for my life and I have a story to tell you.
I received a phone call from our pastor (Dan) when Mike was on life support that week. Dan asked me if I knew this other couple (John and Diedre Eckle) at church and began to tell me how the wife had suddenly died in a motorcycle accident while vacationing in Alaska. They were celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary on a cruise. I didn't know the couple or really who they were. I did attend a couple of the Alpha tea events for ladies a few times with my daughter and her in-laws over the years but I never met Diedre. Diedre was the Executive Director of the Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center in our area.
Link here to the story about Diedre.
Five days later, August 8th, Michael died and I had my own sorrow to deal with. Throughout the next several months though, I would often remember and think of John and his family. They were periodically on my mind and I remember thinking more often of John and how much he must miss Diedre and how hard it must be for him. I knew. I was going through the same thing. I knew how very hard it was.
A week after Easter, on April 8th, I was passing John at church and we made eye contact and so I figured that was a good time to introduce myself to him. I wanted him to basically know that he wasn't alone and I wasn't sure if anyone had told him that someone else had lost their spouse just days apart. We spoke very briefly.
On June 10th, our church had a pot luck bbq after service. John was there and we ended up chatting a little bit near the buffet table and before we said goodbye, he asked me if I'd like to go out after church some day to talk about our experience since we were both going through the same thing. I told him that would be fine.
A little unknown detail: My friend, Jeanne, was trying to get me to say the exact same thing John said to me at the potluck that since we were both going through the same thing, how would he like to go out and talk about our experience. What is so amazing is that John said word for word exactly what Jeanne was trying to get me to say to him, which I don't think I ever would have. That has to be God!
The following week, June 17th, Fathers Day, I went to the water fountain to get a drink and when I came back inside the sanctuary, John was there and asked me if today would be good and I said yes. After church service we went to Panera Bread and had an open conversation about what we both went through. I think we talked for about two and a half hours.
The next day John came to my house to see my wood shop and we've been texting, talking to and seeing each other every day since. He had me to his place the following Sunday, June 24th, and cooked some salmon for dinner. I don't know if he planned it to be but it was a romantic dinner. He played love songs from the 70's and 80's, music I hadn't heard in a long time. Soft love songs. I really didn't know what was happening. I wasn't looking for love. He wasn't looking either. It all happened so fast for both of us. We have so much in common, it's incredible. There is a mutual attraction, too, which is very nice.
It's kind of funny but John kept telling me to go slow. Darn it! He's so good looking, how could I go slow? Plus, he was always playing romantic songs around me. (I think he tried but couldn't go slow either) haha
John asked me to marry him on December 6th and I said yes. We're getting married April 27th! Can you believe this? I can hardly believe it. I'm getting married!
John and I continue to be amazed by our own story of how the Lord brought us together. We believe He planned this from the beginning. We believe it's God's design that took Mike and Diedre from us so that we would know each other.
Our pastor, Dan, did both Mike and Diedre's memorial service and is the one that will marry us.
Some people might not get it or understand or even like it, but we know we're in His plan for our lives. Who can really put a time frame on something like this? Plus, we weren't looking.
Where this is going to take us, our future, is still a question mark but it's going to be an adventure.
Don't worry, I'm not going to quit woodworking. I love what I do and John wants me to continue with it if I want to, and I want to. He will probably join me in some woodworking eventually. He has some furniture plans up in his head that he'd like to try out. For now, he's pretty busy with his own new job adventure. Recently John was offered a position in a company as CFO and accepted it. So...we have lots of new things going on in our lives.
We have yet to go ring
July 4th, our first hike up Pena Adobe Park. Super windy!! |
July 9th, our first bike ride. |
July 22, John went hiking with a friend in Auburn and brought me back some Indian Paintbrush. |
Our second bike ride together, August 20, 2018. |
September 29th at Seven Artisans. Our first dance. |
Trip to Tahoe. October 2, John took me to see a tribute band his friend was playing in. |
Dinner in Tahoe. |